WOW Book Club Discussion – Mitch Albom’s Have a Little Faith
Join us at your home on Zoom at 12pm.
Please read the book prior to the event and think about the following:
– Have a Little Faith asks, “What if our beliefs were not what divided us, but what pulled us together?” How would you begin to answer this question? Which of the world’s ills could be healed, which wrongs could be made right, if religion were more of a unifying force? Why is it important for people to “have a little faith”? Does it need to be in a higher being? Is having faith in people enough?
– Albom explores Reb’s childhood as a impoverished son of immigrants living in NYC. At the end of this chapter, how do you answer the question asked in its title? What does “rich” mean to you?
W.O.W. Is open to all Charlotte Jewish women, no affiliation or membership required. Bring a friend.
Event is free, but please consider a donation.
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