W.O.W Annual New Year Kickoff – What does it mean to be a Jew today?
W.O.W. Annual New Year Kickoff
What Does It Mean to be a Jew Today?
Led by Dr. Ann Smolin & Nancy Schreiber
Located at the CTC
Sample some sweet treats as we say goodbye to 5784 and usher in 5785. We will take some time to prepare and decorate a journal that we can keep in the coming year to capture our reflections. One use of this could be as a gratitude journal.
Since October 7, many of us have thought about our Jewishness in new ways. Some of us have more strongly identified with Judaism and the Jewish people. We have learned, sometimes pleasantly and sometimes painfully, what others think of Jews, Judaism, Israel and Zionism. When others ask us, or we ask ourselves What does it mean to be a Jew? What is important to you about being Jewish? How do we answer? Explore this question through a ed journal exercise and discussion, clarifying our own Jewish identity as we welcome the new Jewish year and express gratitude for all our blessings.
Journals and art supplies will be provided.
Click the button below to RSVP.