Sara@7 : The Book of Ruth
Join me for the next 4 Tuesday nights (May 10, 17, 24 & 31 as we journey through the book of Ruth and gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the story of Ruth and its connection to Shavuot.
This will be a 4 part class
Class 1: ‘We Are Going To Go Through This Together.’
Introduction, overview & analysis of Chapter 1.
Class 1: ‘We Are Going To Go Through This Together.’
Introduction, overview & analysis of Chapter 1.
Class 2: Who’s that Girl? Overview & analysis of Chapter 2.
Class 3: The Plan: Overview & Analysis of Chapter 3
Class 4: Happily Ever After?
Overview & Analysis of Chapter 4.
Conclusion & Review
Overview & Analysis of Chapter 4.
Conclusion & Review
The class will be in person at our house and I look forward to seeing you. However, there will be a zoom option for those who cannot make it in person. For those needing zoom:
Meeting ID: 770 959 734
Passcode: 030918
For this week please review or read the second chapter in the Book of Ruth. You can find the text online.
Songs For The Ages will return after Shavuot.