W.O.W Annual New Year Kickoff Mind, Body & Soul Spa Evening
W.O.W. Annual New Year Kickoff Event
Mindful Meditation for the mind, body & soul
Tuesday, August 29th
An evening of relaxation, meditation, craft & more to prepare us for the New Jewish Year.
We will be joined by Dr. Ann Smolin Psychologist leading the meditation,
as well as by Nancy Schreiber who will be leading us in a craft for the New Year.
Please bring some magazines you can cut up or tear pages out of.
Doors open at 6:50 pm, Event starts at 7:00 pm
At the Charlotte CTC
Limited space available – Reserve early to ensure your spot!
W.O.W. events and education are open to all Jewish women regardless of affiliation.
W.O.W. Empowering, inspiring, and connecting all Jewish women.