Rosh Hashanah Challah Bake!

Back by popular demand!

W.O.W. 14th Annual Rosh Hashana Bake

Tuesday, August 31st at 7:00 pm.

Join us – mothers, daughters, sisters, women for

a fun and intimate Challah bake experience.

Discover new tips, explore traditions and share in the fun with others. 

Come home with two round Challahs, new friends and memories!

Cost is $18.00 donation


Register and pay by August 16th and you will be entered into a raffle for a VIP ticket to

“My Disney Tale and Caricature Demonstration” with Saul Blinkoff.

For more information on “My Disney Tale”: Click Here

Click the button “Get Tickets” on the right to purchase your tickets to this event.

W.O.W. events and education are open to all Jewish women regardless of affiliation.

W.O.W. Empowering, inspiring, and connecting all Jewish women.



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